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Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications

[18] Kudlai O., Rakauskas V., Baker N.J., Pantoja C., Lisitsyna O., Binkienė R. (2024). Helminth Parasites of Invasive Freshwater Fish in Lithuania. Animals. [pdf]
[17] Baker, N.J., Pilotto, F., Welti, E.A.R., Osadčaja, D. & Palinauskas, V. (2024). Recovery or reorganisation? Long-term increases in riverine taxonomic and functional diversity are confounded by compositional dynamics. Hydrobiologia. [pdf]
[16] Kabus, J., Hartmann, V., Cocchiararo, B., Dombrowski, A., Enns, D., Karaouzas, I., Lipkowski, K., Pelikan, L., Shumka, S., Soose, L., Baker, N.J., & Jourdan, J. (2024). Cryptic species complex shows population-dependent, rather than lineage-dependent tolerance to a neonicotinoid. Environmental pollution, vol. 362, 1-10. [pdf]
[15] Welti, E.A.R., Bowler, D.E., Sinclair, J. S., Altermatt, F., Álvarez-Cabria, M., Amatulli, G., Angeler, D.G., Archambaud, G., Arrate Jorrín, I., Aspin, T., Azpiroz, I., Baker, N.J.… & Haase, P. (2024). Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and rivers. Scientific data, 11, 1-8. [pdf]
Sinclair, J.S., Welti, E.A.R., Altermatt, F., Álvarez-Cabria, M., Aroviita, J., Baker, N.J., Barešová, L., Barquín, J., Bonacina, L., Bonada, N., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Csabai, Z., de Eyto, E., Dohet, A., Dörflinger, G., Eriksen, T.E., Evtimova, V., Feio, M.J., Ferréol, M., … Haase, P. 2024. Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metrics. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8, 430-441. [pdf]
[13] Stoltefaut, T., Haubrock, P.J., Welti, E.A.R., Baker, N.J., & Haase, P. (2024). A long-term case study indicates improvements in floodplain biodiversity after river restoration. Ecological Engineering, 198, 107143. [pdf]


[12] Haase, P., Bowler, D.E., Baker, N.J., … & Welti, E.A.R. The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature. Accepted. [pdf]
[11] Enns, D., Cunze, S.,
Baker, N.J., Oehlmann, J., Jourdan, J. Flushing away the future: The effects of wastewater treatment plants on aquatic invertebratesWater Research, 120388. [pdf]
[10] Baker, N.J., Welti, E.A.R., Pilotto, F., Jourdan, J., Beudert, B., Huttunen, K., Muotka, T., Paavola, R., Göthe, E, & Haase, P. 2023. Seasonal and spatial variation of stream macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional diversity across three boreal regions. Insect Conservation and Diversity. [pdf]

[9] Zajicek, P., Welti, E.A.R., Baker, N.J., Januschke, K., Brauner, O. & Haase, P. 2021. Long-term data reveal unimodal responses of ground beetle abundance to precipitation and land use but no changes in taxonomic and functional diversity. Scientific Reports 11, 17468. [pdf]

[8] Baker, N.J., Pilotto, F., Haubrock, P.J., Beudert, B. & Haase, P. 2021. Multidecadal changes in functional diversity lag behind the recovery of taxonomic diversity. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 17471−17484. [pdf]
[7] Baker, N.J., Pilotto, F., Jourdan, J., Beudert, B. & Haase, P. 2021. Recovery from air pollution and subsequent acidification masks the effects of climate change on a freshwater macroinvertebrate community. Science of the Total Environment, 758, 143685. [pdf]
[6] Haubrock, P.J., Cuthbert, R.N., Veselý, L., Balzani, P., Baker, N.J., Dick, J.T.A. & Kouba, A. 2020. Predatory functional responses under increasing temperatures of two life stages of an invasive gecko. Scientific Reports, 10, 10119. [pdf]
[5] Baker, N.J. & Greenfield, R. 2019. Shift happens: changes to the diversity of riverine aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in response to sewage effluent runoff. Ecological Indicators, 102, 813−821. [pdf]

[4] Haubrock, P.J., Fribbi, I., Balzani, P., Johovic, I., Baker, N.J., Inghilesi, A.F., Tricarico, E. & Nocita, A. 2018. Age determination in the channel catfifish Ictaluruus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) using pectoral spines: a technical report. Fishes in Mediterranean Environments, 2018.003. [pdf]
[3] Dahms-Verster, S., Baker, N.J. & Greenfield, R. 2018. A multivariate examination of 'artificial mussels' in freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190. [pdf]

[2] Dahms, S., Baker, N.J. & Greenfield, R. 2017. Ecological risk assessment of metals in sediment: A case study from Limpopo, South Africa. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 135, 106−114. [pdf]
[1] Baker, N.J., Dahms, S., Gerber, R., Maina, J. & Greenfield, R. 2017. Metal accumulation in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) from Thohoyandou, Limpopo Province, South Africa. African Zoology, 52, 43−53. [pdf]

Conference Proceedings

[1] Baker, N.J., Maina, J. & Greenfield, R. 2015. Zinc and Cadmium concentrations in the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Thohoyandou, Limpopo, South Africa. Proceedings of the 7th International Toxicology Symposium in Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa, 31 August 2015. pp: 51-52. ISBN: 978-0-620-66287- 1 (e-book).


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